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Custom Size Generators


Today's case study is about custom engineered dimensions and design for a fleet of generators to fit an application that doesn't void the generator's warranty.  

The Problem:

A major chassis builder was introducing a new model where the slide-out articulates downward as it slides out. The alteration would give the space extended headroom. The problem with this design is there was an actuator arm consuming half the generator bay. The specialty vehicle builder was removing the radiators from stock open-powered gasoline generators, fabricating a shroud and electric fan, and running coolant lines to the generator set. The customer was spending 14 hours on labor and scrapped multiple fan shroud configurations trying to "make it work."


Power Tech sales team saw this happening during a visit to the facility and proposed to provide a turn-key solution. The sales and engineering team developed a new design, submitted the drawings to the customer, and received confirmation that the generator would fit. The customer added the custom-built generator to their configurator and now offer it within their lineup. The engine manufacturer now covers the new custom generator with a warranty.


The customer saved both labor time and money with the custom size generators. The equipment is covered under warranty and has passed application approval.



PowerTech Mobile Generators